Dear Everyone,

Letters form words. Words make sentences. Sentences build paragraphs. Paragraphs become letters.

Thursday, January 03, 2008

A brief 680 News piece quotes Ontario's police forces as having 'nabbed' 69 people for drunk driving in the GTA over the holidays out of a province-wide total of 33.

So, the 43% of Ontarians living in the GTA (GTA: 5.56 million; Ontario: 12.85 million) manage to account for only 20% of holiday drunk driving charges

Obviously many people in and around Toronto have the advantage so far as adequate public transit is concerned, but still, it's surprising that we are underrepresented by more than half! So much for big, bad, mean, corrupt, dangerous Toronto.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Dear Corwin,

I miss you terribly at Hamilton-area gatherings. What shindig is complete without snarky comments from Corwins? Or an appearance from Legolas, at the very least. And how do we know that our party actually partied without incriminating video evidence of the event?

How can we ensure optimal Corwin presence at the next event? How can we get you to stay overnight?

I volunteer Borrelli to bake you a pie if it will help.

With love,

Monday, January 29, 2007

Dear Dummy on my Street with the Annoying Car Alarm

You are too dumb to own a car alarm. I'm fairly certain that your car is not the object of attempted car theft three times a week. Seriously. Fucking learn how your car alarm works or I am going to smash your car.

With smashy fists of fury,

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Dear Bacardi,

Incorporating reflective surfaces into an ad can be nifty keen, placing such an ad in a toilet stall is not so keen. Having your potential customers stare into a mirror labelled with a name tag:
"Hello, my name is:
Whatever you want it to be!"
while they pee just doesn't inspire the sort of debached spirit that would lead to rum drinking.

Soberly yours

Dear Face, Dear Book,

Book. Book book book. There is something intellectual about the word book. intimate about your face. Face face face. Face. Yet together all these words can tell me is which 80s cartoons you think you liked. Spelling is apparently not the rule in a face-book. If a face-book blinks what pages does it miss? I could go on, but this is the oldest rant in the face. Book the facts.


Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Dear Everyone,

Where have all the posters gone, long time passing? Where have all the posters gone, long time ago?Sadly,

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Dear Everyone,

Where did you all go?

The blog