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Monday, January 29, 2007

Dear Dummy on my Street with the Annoying Car Alarm

You are too dumb to own a car alarm. I'm fairly certain that your car is not the object of attempted car theft three times a week. Seriously. Fucking learn how your car alarm works or I am going to smash your car.

With smashy fists of fury,

1 Correspondances:

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Carly,

Thanks for your concern! Unfortunately my automobile is the home of thousands of snakes, some of them Brazilian in origin and very rare. Therefore I cannot allow for the possibility of their escape and/or theft. The alarm keeps them placid. I am sorry your sleep is being disturbed, perhaps you might consider sleeping in my trunk with the boa constrictor? His name is Codswallow. I'll leave the key under the front-left tire, just in case.

Fond regards,
-Dummy on your Street

8/2/07 10:44 am  

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