Dear Everyone,

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Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Dear TTC drivers,

Yeah, that surprise wildcat strike a couple days back sure did suck, but let’s not talk about it. I’m over it. I forgive you.

Instead, let’s talk about safety – yours, and mine.

Buses are a drag at the best of times, but we riders can deal with a lot, and I know you folks have to, too: rude people, confused people, mentally ill people, drunk people, inexplicably verbally abusive people, people who spit on you when you ask them to pony up their fare (at least that's a thing of the past), people who throw themselves in front of your vehicles, the ever-present threat of psycho terrorist suicide bombers, etc.

In the year or so I've lived in the city, I’ve seen a lot of weird things go down on the bus, but I'm sure I don't know the half of it. But, boy, am I getting there.

So anyway, thanks.

In gratitude,

P.S.: No thanks of any kind whatsoever to the dude who tried to board the 106 with a freshly-filled jerry can of gasoline yesterday afternoon.

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