Dear Everyone,

Letters form words. Words make sentences. Sentences build paragraphs. Paragraphs become letters.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Dear Smashing Pumpkins,

I'm really frigging excited that you've decided to get back together. Actually, that doesn't really properly describe it, since I tell people the day I met Billy Corgan was the greatest day of my life. And the day I saw you guys live that one and only time was the second greatest day of my life. Sad, I know.

I have to admit I was skeptical when Billy took out that full-page newspaper ad the day his solo album came out, saying he was getting SP back together. I pretty much just thought it was an attempt at publicity for the album. So now that you've signed a management deal, it seems like you weren't kidding. So please don't toy with me. You HAVE to get back together now. It's been more than five long years, and new Pumpkins music is sorely needed. By me.

And it had better be good. If you get me all hyped up and actually reunite and then suck, it's going to be all the more disppointing. There's no sense in a Smashing Pumpkins reunion if the new material sounds like TheFutureEmbrace. 'Cause that was one steaming pile of crap.

In conclusion: Reunite, make it good, don't disappoint me.

Peeing my pants in excitement and anticipation,

P.S. D'Arcy, I hope you've laid off the crack and can make it to the reunion.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Dear Oprah,

So word on the street is there's some people trying to win the Nobel Peace Prize for you. More power to them.

But let me ask you this: how many secret bombing campaigns against Cambodia have you ordered in your lifetime? I'm guessing none.
