Dear Everyone,

Letters form words. Words make sentences. Sentences build paragraphs. Paragraphs become letters.

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Dear Pigeons,

I know a 23rd floor perch must have seemed like the ideal place to roost, but it's not my fault that your eggs didn't hatch; on the contrary, I suspect that the half-assed scattering of pine needles you call a nest is to blame.

If you continue to taunt my cat I may at some point be unable to restrain her -- at which point she will most likely burst through the screen door and claw you to bits as you plummet toward the pavement together, locked in a horrific struggle to the death.

Also, please stop shitting on my balcony and in my air conditioner.

With grudging respect,

2 Correspondances:

Blogger David Alexander said...

Dear circlejerker,

I want to delete this comment, but I am drawn to the idea of there being lots of information about Luke Skywalker Wallpaper!

In naive admiration,

5/9/05 2:24 am  
Blogger Amy said...

Dear David Alexander,


Many smiles :)

5/9/05 10:33 am  

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