Dear Everyone,

Letters form words. Words make sentences. Sentences build paragraphs. Paragraphs become letters.

Monday, November 07, 2005

Dear Bell Canada,

November 7, 2005

Why must you make my life so difficult? It's really starting to get to me that I've had to call you 7 times to try and resolve 1 problem. That math just doesn't make sense. And the fact that this has been going on since May just adds to it.

I really just want my money. You owe me $214, and your customer service people are acting like it's no big deal. Every time I call, the person I talk to tells me that what the last person told me is wrong. And now you say that you have no record of me ever having had the phone number 880-2668? I obviously did, because someone finally managed to find it. Don't tell me you're sending me a cheque if you're not sending it. Don't tell me that it will be here in 4 weeks, when you were apparently supposed to say 4-6 weeks, when you were really supposed to say 6-8 weeks, when you really meant never. Don't send me to credit, then back to billing, then back to credit.

One of the 4 people I talked to today claimed, "You don't have to swear at me." Well, I wouldn't have to swear at you, if your company wasn't a bunch of incompentent dildoes who are trying to steal $214 from me. I realize this isn't your fault specifically, but when you agree to work for Bell Canada you are immediately implicated in their shitheadedness. Sorry. That's just how it goes.

$214 is not a lot for you - you guys have lots of money. It is a lot for me. So please just give me my goddamn money so I can be done with you. When I have a nervous breakdown/heart attack/ulcer I will blame it solely on you.

I realize that in the past you guys have been able to do whatever you wanted because you basically had a monopoly on the phone business. But Rogers has home phone service now. And it's cheaper. So maybe you might want to think about trying to change the fact that everyone in Canada hates you.

With Seething Anger,

2 Correspondances:

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bell tries to fuck as much out of everyone as they can each month. Like the late fees incurred because paying over the internet can take up to ten days to process.

I need to call them about the wrong fucking modem they sent, and the lack of postage money given to return it, but I hate calling them so much I'm just letting it rot in a box under the futon. Oh Bell, truly you are the scourge of all that was true and good about customer satisfaction.

7/11/05 1:08 pm  
Blogger CR said...

The only funny part of my interaction with them today was whe one of the people I talked to answered the phone with "How can I help you today with excellent customer service?"

I want to say, "I'm pretty sure you can't."

7/11/05 1:37 pm  

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